

How to play PUBG mobile on your PC Open ‘https://syzs.qq.com/en/’ on your PC. Click on the ‘Download’ button and wait for the download to complete. Run the installer and install it on your PC. Once the installation is complete, hit the ‘Start’ button. Now, ‘Gaming buddy’ will automatically download the game. After the game is downloaded , click on play button and start… Continue reading Pubg

Categorized as Gaming

Frequently Asked Questions

COVID – 19  VACCINATION FAQ   How long does protection from Covid vaccine last? So far, the ongoing trial indicates that the two-dose vaccine remains highly effective for at least six months, and likely longer. People who got Moderna’s vaccine also still had notable levels of virus-fighting antibodies six months after the second required shot.… Continue reading Frequently Asked Questions

Categorized as Covid

Crash In Tech Industry

Crash In Tech Industry   A global shortage of one crucial piece of technology is causing delays in everything from cars and  televisions to video game consoles and Australia’s National Broadband Network rollout.    A temporary shutdown in the production of silicon computer chips at the start of the coronavirus pandemic, as well as severe… Continue reading Crash In Tech Industry

Categorized as Tech

Resetting Climate Change

Resetting Climate Changes As we all know that one of the major issues for us from an exceptionally long time is climate change and its consequences. It is still an exceedingly difficult situation for us modern day humans as we have already polluted our environment so much that it would take thousands of years for… Continue reading Resetting Climate Change

Categorized as Thinking

Life On Mars

Life On Mars As majority of us already know about the perseverance rover launched to mars by NASA in 2020 did a successful landing and is already helping collect crucial data. So we’ll see some of the findings of the rover that reduced the work of humans greatly, so basically the rover is like a… Continue reading Life On Mars

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Career In Gaming

Career In Gaming   Think of a profession where you don’t have to follow a fixed 9-5 schedule; where you play games for 12-14 hours a day, and get paid attractive figures. You guessed that right.    A career in gaming is now a reality! You can become a pro-gamer; take part in national and… Continue reading Career In Gaming

Categorized as Gaming

Can ARM be the Future

Many of you may have seen or read about the new macs introduced by apple in which they used the processor namely M1. This highly efficient CPU is based on the x86 CPU platform over ARM. So, for those of you not familiar with what is ARM, so basically ARM is the company who designs… Continue reading Can ARM be the Future

Categorized as Tech

Red Cross Day

WORLD RED CROSS DAY   8TH MAY  World Red Cross Day is also known as Red Crescent Day and is celebrated on May 8 every year. It is observed on this day as Henry Dunant, the founder of ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross) was born. He was also awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. There… Continue reading Red Cross Day


AWARENESS ON COVID-19     Coronavirus disease is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered SARS-CoV-2 triggering the respiratory tract. It affects the upper respiratory tract (sinuses, nose, and throat) or lower respiratory tract (windpipe and lungs). Infections range from mild to deadly.   SYMPTOMS Most common symptoms:• Fever• Dry cough• Tiredness    … Continue reading Covid-19

Categorized as Covid

What Will People Say !!!

GHOOMAR DANCE “Care about what other people think, and you will always be their prisoner” – Lao Tzu “Actually, life is way more different in reality!!” these are the words felt by each and every human being at least once in their life. Should I wear this? It’s late-night should I go out? Should I… Continue reading What Will People Say !!!

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