

Sambhaji Bhosale, Pride son of Bharat and Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. He is known as the second Chhatrapati of the Great Maratha empire, who ruled like a lion from 1681-1689.

He was born on 14th may 1657 at purandar fort, near pune, India. He was born to Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and his First wife Saibai. After the sad demise of his mother Saibai, when he was just two years old, Jijabai, mother of Shivaji Maharaj raised him with the same valour and courage that she gave to Shivaji Maharaj. Along with Sanskrit, Sambhaji Bhosale learnt 13 languages. He learned a Portuguese, which helped him to fight against Portuguese colonizers in Goa.

At the age of nine, Sambhaji was sent to live with Raja Jai Singh I of Aamer as a political hostage to ensure compliance of the Treaty of Purandar that Shivaji had signed with the Mughals on 11 June 1665. As a result of the treaty, Sambhaji became a Mughal mansabdar. Mansabdar was a military unit within the administrative system of the Mughal Empire introduced by Akbar.

He and his father Shivaji presented themselves at Mughal emperor, Aurangzeb‘s court at Agra on 12 May 1666. Aurangzeb put both of them under house arrest but they escaped on 22 July 1666. 

Their escape story was an interesting one. In August, Shivaji alleged to have suffered from stomach ache and for his treatment doctors were called. After a three-day treatment, he was declared fit. Shivaji asked for sweets and money to distribute among doctors, Brahmins, and poor people. And hence sweets were made in huge quantities and were transported in large bamboo baskets. A strict inspection was carried out and after a few days the security persons passed the basket without inspection.

Shivaji realised that this was the right moment for escape and on August 19, he along with his son broke out hiding inside huge baskets of sweets. On moving out of the durbar instead of moving towards Maharashtra, the two moved towards Mathura. Before moving, Shivaji dressed up two of his courtiers like himself and his son. And so, when an informer informed in the durbar of seeing Shivaji and his son, the emperor replied no such getaway was made.

He could have sacrificed his life to save his fathers dream and make it come true like every other child. But the courage and valour in him didn’t let him do that. He refused to give up and escaped along with Shivaji Maharaj. And that’s what made him special in the history of Bharat. 

At the age of 10, He started to unite all the kings across India to make Swarajya.

At the age of 19, He taking economic and administration decisions in a perfect manner.

When he was 23, His father, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj passed away. Every time a great king passes away, the kingdom suffers and crumbles a lot. But This Great hero didn’t let that happen. He decided everything not emotionally but rationally. He decided what is correct for the dream of his father and himself. He made decisions for swarajya.

Aurangzeb was undoubtedly a great warrior. But this 23 year old hero defeated him with a swag. Not just one time, but multiple times, repeatedly! A force of 20,000 soldiers fought against 8 lakh Mughal soldiers.

When Aurangzeb sought the help of Portuguese navy, Sambhaji raje defeated them too!

This hero disturbed Mughals a lot so that they lost their focus on the north. And this led to the emergence of the kings of Bundelkhand, Punjab and Rajasthan for a single cause and that is, Swarajya.

Even after the death of Shivaji Maharaj, who was the father of the Swaraj movement, the movement was ALIVE. And it was because of the hero, Sambhaji Raje.

Sambhaji was married to Jivubai in a marriage of political alliance. As per Maratha custom she took the name Yesubai. This marriage thus gave Shivaji access to the Konkan coastal belt. Yesubai gave birth to a daughter named Bhavani Bai and then to a son named Shahu.

They say, “Winning every battle doesn’t count, winning the war does!


Sambhaji Maharaj, in a span of just 9 years, he won 120 battles and never lost one!

He is definitely not like other kings. But he was back stabbed by his own family, just like other great kings. Raje refused to make Ganoji Shirke a landlord, who was yesubai’s brother. Sambhaji Raje refused to do so just because it was against his dream, Swarajya.

In order to take revenge, Ganoji informed the Aurangzeb spies when Raje was on his secret path to Raigad without any army. 

Every political prisoner must be treated with some basic dignity. But it was denied to Sambhaji Maharaj.

Aurangzeb Made 3 conditions:

  1. Sambhaji raje should consider him as a sovereign ruler
  2. Should give all wealth from the treasury to the Mughals
  3. And Embrace Islam.

But this real hero denied all the three conditions. Because accepting these three conditions would betray the concept of Swarajya. And Sambhaji had no chance to accept those three conditions. And Aurangzeb decided to torture him both physically and mentally. He was ill-treated and tortured in such a way that it would melt even a stone hearted person.

He was tortured for 40 days continuously but his answer was NO!

He could not even do his last rites as per Hindu-rituals. His body was chopped into pieces and put into a river.

Sambhaji Maharaj didn’t protect his religion, But the country. And the concept of Swarajya.

There were many other kings and Queens in Bharat, who fought for Swaraj. But this King was definitely THE GREAT!


By – Dharshana Ramesh

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